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Workshops for Adults

50 Hand Puppet Techniques

To preserve the art form and to empower a new generation of performers, master puppeteer Chad Williams teaches an engaging class of over 50 different hand puppet techniques in this fun workshop for all skill levels.

Participants will create their own puppets and learn the best techniques and secrets from a hand puppet expert. Chad incorporates moves from Chinese Budaixi, European glove puppetry, and other traditions into his unique style. Actors, teachers, professional puppeteers and more have taken this workshop in the USA and internationally.

Chad Williams has performed thousands of hand puppet shows and studied under some of the most prestigious names in puppetry. Combining techniques from European, Chinese and Modern hand puppet styles, he developed his own unique system and authored award-winning manuals with photos and easy-to-understand language.


Do it yourself - check out our award-winning "how-to" books with 50 basic and 100 advanced techniques inside!

Purchase your copy today.


Contact us for more information.

"The workshop was a truly transformative experience, largely due to Chad's infectious positivity and engaging teaching style. His ability to captivate the attention and interest of all participants, myself included, speaks volumes about his exceptional skills as an educator." - C. Mustile, student
"...a treasure of resources and inspiration for anyone interested in the magic of the hand puppet."
- Blair Thomas, Artistic Director, Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival

Professional Puppetry Training Program

Are you new to puppetry, looking for a first step or introductory intensive to begin your career?


Our professional training program offers access to specialized puppetry skills to all new puppeteers. Our goal is to help foster a diverse new generation of puppet theater professionals through fun and engaging sessions where participants will perform, build, and learn traditional techniques. By the end of the final session, students will be confidently performing, building, and ready to move on to auditions, entry-level positions or further studies.


This program runs at the Jim Henson Carriage House in partnership with the Green Feather Foundation.


  • Intensive - the program runs for 2 months (8 sessions) - meeting IRL once per week with homework on the side.

  • Real World Learning - participants engage through structured learning with performance and building.

  • Mentorship - provides participants with the support of a skilled mentor to assist and enhance critical hands-on learning.

  • Community - participants make vital contacts and networking opportunities within the puppet theater world.

  • Credit - we offer a certificate of completion or a university-recognized internship credit to be issued at the completion of the program.​


The program runs three times per year and seats are extremely limited. POC are highly encouraged to apply!


Contact us for more information.

Customizable felt hand puppets
Z teaches a group of teachers, therapists, an artists

Making Connections Through Puppetry

In this single session or multi-day intensive, professionals working with young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are invited to learn about using puppetry within a professional setting. Teachers, therapists, counselors, doctors, nurses, and others working with neurodiverse children are welcome to attend. Puppetry can be used as an amazing tool for interaction, pretend play, communication, de-escalation, joint attention, and more.


Led by professional puppeteer Lindsey "Z." Briggs, participants will learn the basics of performance and technique as well as discuss ways to utilize puppets to make connections with children diagnosed with autism and utilize them when working with children with ASD. Each participant will receive their own puppet to personalize and take home.


Can be done in-person or virtually. Contact us for more information.

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